Take your fleet round and blockade the port in New France, once again kill any ships you encounter along the way. Once your main army in Louisbourg is retrained march them towards New France, make sure you kill any French forces you see along the way. Meanwhile start building an army in Fort Carillon. Retrain your troops in Louisbourg because it is likely to be counter-attacked by the French. You may also want to build Tobacco and Furs to increase your income.

Make sure you have built the farms at Virginia, Algonquin and Iroquois Territory. Bring your fleet back to pick them up and land at Louisbourg. While you sink the French march your army from Carillon through Maine to the coast. The French fleets will be no match for your two Fifth Rates. I’d recommend building two and then taking your fleet up to batter a route through to Louisbourg. When the dockyard is ready build a Fifth Rate. Now retrain your troops and build extras if needed while you wait for the dockyard to complete. Immediately after you take it march onwards and grab Carillon: it is hardly defended. Retrain your men, build a unit or two to leave behind in Fort Niagara and march on Oswego. You don’t have to bother with it but Fort Oswego is all that stands between you and Fort Carillon which will give you control of the Iroquois Territory. With the shipyard built start on a dockyard and build a couple of extra units in Virginia. Once you have taken the settlement you’ll need to build some ships and take Louisbourg. If you need to you can replenish your force here retraining as necessary. Once you have Fort Duquesne, assuming you took it with minimal losses, press straight on and grab Fort Niagara. (Getting the alliance and going through Iroquois territory to take Duquesne works, but it takes a couple extra turns getting your army through the forest). Build the farm and the shipyard in Virginia and make an alliance and trade agreement with the Iroquois. Combine your armies and march straight for it. To be honest Fort Duquesne is not hard to take.

The advisor suggests brokering an alliance with the Iroquois and cutting through their land round the fort to reach your target.

The first target is Algonquin territory but access to Fort Niagara is blocked by another fort. They have a spine of forts which they have constructed and you’ll need to march north and claim them for yourself. The French and the British are at each other’s throats once again and this time you are tasked with booting the French off the North American mainland. With the basic mechanics introduced and your first couple of land battles out of the way you can press on to a more exciting challenge. If they get in close then switch to melee for hand-to-hand combat. In the battles the Native Americans will rout very easily so don’t worry about being outnumbered just line your men up and fire away. Now immediately take all of your men and head north to Pennsylvania. Take Maryland, you won’t find much opposition. Build three extra troops in your city while you construct the fishing village and the farm and then press north fast. The game starts out very gently and this first chapter is extremely easy to complete. Finally you are faced with the challenge of guiding an emerging American nation to world dominance. With the French driven out the battle for independence begins in Boston. It then pitches you into the British war against the French. The challenge starts you off gently as you lead the early settlers to their first couple of victories over the natives. It is entitled the Road to Independence and consists of four chapters which introduce you to the main concepts at play in the game. The single player story campaign in Empire: Total War centers on the birth of America as a nation and doubles neatly as a tutorial.